Join us as we celebrate the holidays on December 12th for Lights on Creston from 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Scroll down to see what is happening at all participating businesses!
Local businesses in the Creston neighborhood are decorating their windows, hosting fun activities, serving refreshments, offering up promotions and giveaways and so much more! Check out the schedule below.
Start at Kingma’s Market or the Crestkindl Markt to get your Creston Red Cup from the CNA Pop-up Bars to unlock special drink
specials at participating restaurants and bring your drinks with you as you stroll through Lights on Creston. Grab your friends for fun selfies at StonesThrow’s selfie stop and enjoy an outdoor light show at River North Public House. Head to artisan markets 🎁 and explore all of the
fun activities/ freebies ❄ along the way!
Free pictures with Santa & Mrs.Claus and their reindeer (4:30-7:30) at Kingma’s Market.
Hop on the FREE shuttle or test out the DART electric vehicle (Public
Agency of WMCAT) to enjoy all of the Lights on Creston festivities.
Story time with Grand Rapids Public Library at Gaia (every half hour).
Live Music by Teddy Brewer at Creston Brewery.
Enjoy a performance by Michigan Muses Choir at Black Cat Bodega or Drag Queen Story Time at En Vivo Church.
Stamp Cards are due at Crestkindl Markt, River North Public House or the shuttles for entry into the drawing for over 30 prizes from our Creston businesses.